New Technology is Recreating Neighborhoods

Published on August 18 2015

New Technology is Recreating Neighborhoods

New technology is recreating neighborhoods

There are many people that fondly look back at how wonderful the neighborhood they grew up in was. They speak of baking pies or meals for people who were new in the neighborhood and loaning tools to the neighbors that needed them.

Whenever somebody was missing that one ingredient for dinner, the next door neighbor was more than happy to lend it to you. These stories oh how neighborhoods used to be makes a person long for the past. Most of the people in today’s day and age would much rather post and hang out in social media than walk outside to talk to a neighbor about whats going on in the community.

Unfortunately with the highly publicized crime rate in today’s bigger cities it has scared people from getting to know their own neighbors in their own community. People now spend more time tuned into their television or their social media than they spend time getting to know the people around you.

Because of this disconnection with our own neighborhoods, there is a new technology that connects all neighbors in a neighborhood together. Each small geographical area is linked to a private internet social media page. The only people who can be part of this group must be in the local area and the local neighborhood.

Each of the communities has calendars that explain what events and group get together that are going on in the area. If you’re looking for a service like a lawn person or babysitter, you can go to the groups page and find a local group that has experience doing exactly what you are looking for. For more details click on My Neighborhood.

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